“..NFT multiples of nasty creatures called ‘capitalist pigs’.. each NFT purchased gets a free graphic novel..”

character development

With the economic climate, climate climate and general state of mistrust of the powerful, corporate rule and all that 1% malarky you don’t have to look far for nasty pig role models. Working with Andy Moscardini to generate character types, I worked up some sketches of possible nasties to base NFTs on and who may serve as characters in accompanying the graphic novel. Here are a few notable notables..

making multiples

So with basic torso and head form set up it’s then time to have fun with all the variables as layers in photoshop. These include skin tones, eye styles, mouth styles, ear styles and nose styles. Added to the basic layers were accessory layers including eyewear, piercings, tongues, spit and attitude! Apologies to actual pigs who aren’t that nasty at all.

Pop each item into a png file and mint the collection, choosing the best of literally thousands of combinations but all rooted to the same original artwork.


love is an ass