Planet YO goes Viral (almost)

A long time ago, on a planet named YO

There lived the Manus and Furtz

The Furtz were quite bubbly, squidgy and cuddly

But they loved to bounce round in the dirt   

The Manus were proud, sometimes quite loud

But they lived a life that was grand

With bodies like crumpets and five heads like trumpets

Each looked like a funny shaped hand!

Well mannered, polite; Manus washed day and night

But the Furtz didn’t care for them much

For the Furtz liked the dirt and would surely get hurt 

By anything clean they might touch

Not a care nor a thought, the Furtz bounced and caught 

All things dirty or gross

The Manus were clean and would never have dreamed

Of letting such germs get too close.

Yet, being so keen, with busy routines

Manus struggled to pack it all in

Then their bodies got tired and soon plans backfired

When the troubles began to begin

For the cities grew busy, massive and dizzy

And the Manus had no time to scrub

Then the Furtz came alive like bees in a hive!

“Those trumpety things smell like grub!”

So with cleanliness gone, the Furtz latched right on

To the Manus distracted by troubles

Being good hosts, they did their utmost 

To welcome the filthy wee bubbles!

Then problems got worse for the Manus as Furtz 

Made them guff, parp, toot, trump and fart!

Though the farts blew a medley, the trumps were quite deadly

Then a Manus stepped up who was smart.

WASH, RINSE and DRY!! Came the Manus’s cry.

Make time for your daily ablutions!

Sing ten times in song - ‘DIRTY FURTZ ALL BE GONE!’

I’m afraid it’s our only solution

Wash? Yes..YES! WASH! Responded his kin

As they stood in their handmade pollution

We’re spoiled!! That’s why this began to begin!

Then followed the wise resolution


The soap made it slippy, made the Manus less grippy

To the drains slipped the Furtz in a spiral 

The song filled the towns as the Furtz spiralled down

There's NO CHANCE of you going viral!

The Furtz are long gone and the Manus are grand

They learned the hard way with a bump 

YO still resists as each Manus insists  

Lack of care makes you stink like a trump.



A Fool’s Heart


San Tau Tsuen